In FY 2021-22, Dhampur partnered with PHDRDF to implement a project for ‘Free Mobile Health Services' to provide improved healthcare facilities to the less privileged and low-income groups in the villages near the plants at Rajpura and Dhampur.
- The project reached out to more than 30,000 people in 20 villages of Dhampur and Rajpura Block in Bijnore and Sambhal district respectively, who were unable to access healthcare easily
- It provided generic health care services to the people through mobile medical vans with testing devices like ECG, blood testing facilities like hemoglobin and blood sugar
- It was supported by a qualified medical team consisting of a medical doctor and paramedical staff including a lab technician and ANM
Water Conservation & Management
- An existing water pond was percolated through large pits to ensure rejuvenation and beautification at Harah Ahmedpur and Gajupara in Dhampur.
- We focused on biological sewage treatment that cleans the waste water by absorbing nutrients dissolved in the water and thereby supporting living species inside the pond.
- Solar lights, fencing and provision of an RCC bench along with a footpath was implemented to make this living space more accessible to the public, without hampering the flora and fauna inside the water body.
With the establishment of several industries in the Dhampur district, the region was under tremendous water stress with declining groundwater levels. It was during this time, we undertook certain water conservation activities for sustainable development.